Forest Glow light

Forest Glow lights were designed as a part of the Visakoivu project organized by Pro Puu Association and funded by TAIKE Arts Promotion Centre Finland. The idea of the project was to find fresh ways to use curly birch in furniture and interior products. Curly birch is a variant of Betula Pendula with a genetic mutation. The dark parts are part of the birch bark which ends up inside the wood due to the way the tree grows. Curly birch is a rare tree species that originates from Finland and Karelia.

The Forest glow light represents a magical sunlight shining through the trees in an old forest. The light highlights the patterns of curly birch and shines through the two elements of each lamp and creates fine reflections. The form of the light can be used as a hanging or standing light.

Size: diameter 14 cm, height varies

Material: curly birch, birch, led light

Design by Koivisto Studio 2022
